New Construction Home HVAC Options
When selecting heating and cooling equipment, there is a variety of choices. Depending on structural challenges, performance expectations and fuel options, there are a number of systems designed to address those needs.
- Split Air Conditioners: In new construction applications, homeowners looking for low noise and high efficiency usually choose to install a split system air conditioner. The air handler or furnace is placed inside the garage, basement or a dedicated mechanical closet and the condenser unit is placed outdoors to reduce noise levels.
- Package Units: Packages are available in straight cool, gas-electric and heat pump configurations and include a condenser and air handler in a single enclosure. They are designed primarily for rooftop applications when ground space is unavailable, or the unit might be subject to possible damage.
- Heat Pumps: Heat pumps are most appropriate for areas where the climate rarely falls into freezing temperatures. A heat pump operates using a reversing valve so the refrigerant can flow in either direction. This allows a heat pump to heat and cool from a single unit.
- Furnaces: Furnace models are offered in natural gas, fuel oil and propane varieties. A natural gas furnace is the most common and inexpensive heating appliance, and delivery is available in most metropolitan areas. Propane furnaces are most often used in rural locations where natural gas is not available.
Call Bell Cow today to schedule a consultation or to learn more about HVAC in your new home!