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    Home Air Quality

    Indoor Air Quality Filters for NC, VA Homes

    Indoor air quality is a measure of the purity of your home’s air. When you choose to order a home air filter from Bell Cow, you stand to have substantially better quality of air for your family at home. Bell Cow takes the HVAC system of every homeowner into account. Updates to existing ductwork using air purifiers are the first step in improving home air quality. Bell Cow provides service to those in the Triangle and Sandhills regions of North Carolina as well as Hampton Roads and Richmond, Virginia.

    Our specially-designed home air filters provide exceptional results for homeowners who want:

    1. A healthier environment for family and friends at home.
    2. Air purifiers that work in conjunction with top-tier air conditioners and heaters.
    3. Quick air quality testing and outstanding customer service.

    Call Bell Cow today at (844) 234-2355 for more information on our air filtration systems or complete a contact form to get in touch by email.

    Premium Home Air Filtration Systems

    Bell Cow HVAC specialists work with homeowners to select and install the best air filtration systems for their homes.

    We commonly install MERV 11 advanced media air filters, among the most effective home air filters available. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is a rating based on the size of the holes in a filter. The smaller the holes, the higher the rating. MERV 11 filters trap up to 100 times more particles than a traditional air filter, while maintaining efficiency standards. MERV 11 filters are highly effective and easy to replace with Bell Cow!

    The use of a Bell Cow air purifier will rid your home of harmful particles from:

    1. Germs
    2. Mold
    3. Pet dander
    4. Dust mites
    5. Lead
    6. Tobacco smoke
    7. Carbon monoxide
    8. Asbestos

    Although home air filters are especially helpful for those who suffer from severe airborne allergies, all benefit from cleaner air. The elimination of bacteria and mold from your home’s air not only has health benefits, but will improve the smell, too. With regular maintenance from your trusted Bell Cow HVAC technician, your home’s new air filter will function effectively for years.

    Save time and money today by calling Bell Cow for indoor air quality testing and home air filter installation. With service trucks on standby throughout North Carolina and Virginia, you can count on Bell Cow for quick service. Call now!