White Plumbing Icon Emergency Plumbing Services

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    Emergency Service

    Emergency Plumbing Services in North Carolina

    Emergency plumbing situations are never fun for homeowners. Bell Cow realizes this and has taken every step to prepare our plumbers for speedy, effective emergency repairs. Those in the Triangle or Sandhills of NC can rely on us for emergency plumbing when unpleasant incidents happen.

    Our plumbers are equipped to handle emergency situations like:

    1. Burst pipes
    2. Leaking water lines
    3. Flooding
    4. Malfunctioning water heaters
    5. Backed up sewers and clogged main sewer lines

    Instead of waiting for when it’s convenient, contact Bell Cow now! Simply call (844) 234-2355 for speedy emergency plumbing service during regular business hours.  After business hours, emergency service requests must be made through the web site contact form.

    Concerned about the cost of an unexpected issue? Don’t worry—Bell Cow offers financing options that fit any budget.

    While the other guys see emergencies as an opportunity to overcharge, we don’t. The customer’s best interest is our only interest.

    What to do in a Plumbing Emergency

    If you are ever in the unfortunate position of waking up in the middle of the night to a water leak in your home, or worse, don’t panic. Bell Cow plumbers are ready to take your call. If there is a noticeably unpleasant smell coming from your yard, don’t ignore it. If your water heater is making much more noise than usual, don’t put off handling it. In a plumbing emergency:

    1. Don’t panic. Assess the situation and alert family members/others in the home.
    2. Call Bell Cow at (844) 234-2355 immediately.
    3. Provide our plumber with as detailed a description of the problem as you can. This may include: age and model of the water heater, appliance, or sewer line.

    Once our emergency plumbers arrive on scene, they will perform a thorough inspection and control the amount of damage sustained. Repairs will be made and preventative measures will be recommended. For all homeowners, we recommend signing up for a plumbing maintenance agreement. This will ensure that plumbing equipment within your home is regularly maintained. Should you require repairs in the future, we’ll supply you with 15% off.
