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    Shower & Bathtubs

    Shower and Bathtub Repairs

    Repairs to showers and bathtubs can range from minor cosmetic fixes to major feature replacement. No matter the extent of the repairs needed, any homeowner will agree that a broken shower is a huge inconvenience. Bell Cow works to bring the convenience of comfort back to homes throughout North Carolina’s Triangle and Sandhills.

    When you call a Bell Cow plumber, your shower and bathtub repairs are always a priority. Stop putting up with annoying leaks and unsightly cracks, contact Bell Cow today for repairs on:

    • Leaky shower heads
    • Clogged drains
    • Bathtub cracks
    • Broken bathtub faucets

    Call (844) 234-2355 today to get in touch with one of Bell Cow’s certified expert plumbers. Don’t get milked by the other guys! All of our shower and bathtub repair services are offered at reasonable prices with plumbing financing available.

    Benefits of a Bell Cow Repair

    Having your bathtub or shower repaired by a Bell Cow plumber guarantees you to the best customer service in the industry and proven plumbing techniques. In addition to inspections on faucets, drains, and water lines, Bell Cow offers 15% off for customers with a plumbing maintenance agreement.

    If caught early on, many of the common issues homeowners encounter in the bathroom can be easily resolved. Acting quickly will help prevent more serious issues like:

    • Water damage to walls and flooring
    • Unpleasant odor in shower drains
    • Severe leaking, leading to water waste

    If you have considered updating your showers with low-flow, efficient shower heads, Bell Cow can help you find the perfect fixtures. We will perform repairs, install new equipment, and provide helpful advice on preventative measures you can take to avoid needing bathtub or shower repairs in the future.

    Please complete our contact form for a free estimate on your repairs, or call now if you are experiencing a plumbing emergency in your home.
