Video Camera Inspections

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    Plumbing Services

    Video cameras are an essential tool to properly diagnose and repair otherwise hidden issues in sewer lines and other plumbing pipes that are otherwise inaccessible. Without a camera, it is difficult to accurately determine what might be causing a stoppage, leak, or other obstruction in a pipe.

    At Bell Cow, we use a state of the art video camera and detection device to accurately locate the specific spot of concern. Our waterproof camera is inserted into a sewer line or other pipe submerged in the ground by way of a clean-out. The benefits of choosing Bell Cow to perform a video camera inspection include the following:
    • Our camera has the capability to inspect lines from 2” to 36” in diameter.
    • Once we have access from the clean-out, the camera provides a 360 degree view of the interior of the pipe
    • During an inspection, our plumbing technicians will look for objects that could compromise the full use and integrity of the pipe – whether a tree root has busted through the line, a crack or break has developed from years of wear and tear, or a foreign object has caused a stoppage
    • Along with the camera, our technicians are equipped with a digital monitoring screen, allowing customers view the same thing as our plumbers and providing greater piece of mind
    • At Bell Cow, we use a locating device to properly detect from the above-ground surface the exact location where the issue was found; this precision leads to the most minimally invasive repairs when further action is necessary.

    Video cameras provide an amazing level of detail and insight that is otherwise not possible. We recommend a video camera inspection on any customer that is dealing with repeated backups, clogs, or obstructions. A video camera can also be useful to find breaks and sources of high water bills. In addition, a video camera can be used in a preventative manner to ensure the structural integrity of a sewer line or drain pipe prior to purchasing a home or commercial structure. Fill out an online request form or call Bell Cow at 844-234-2355 to schedule a video camera inspection.