Plumbing Cleanout: What Is It And Why You Should Have One

When it comes to your home’s plumbing system, there are many components to keep in mind, from the pipes that carry water to the fixtures that dispense it. However, one crucial part that often goes unnoticed is the plumbing cleanout. In this article, we’ll explore what a plumbing cleanout is, why you should have one, where to find it, and how to tell if you need one.

What is a Plumbing Cleanout?

A plumbing cleanout is a small, typically white or black pipe with a cap that provides easy access to your home’s sewer line. It is designed to be easily removed so that a plumber can access your home’s plumbing system and clean out any blockages, debris or tree roots that may have built up.

Why You Should Have One

Having a plumbing cleanout is crucial for two reasons. Firstly, it helps prevent costly and hazardous plumbing backups that can cause water damage or sewage backup in your home. Secondly, it provides an easy solution for plumbers to access and clear any blockages within your plumbing system.

Where to Find Your Plumbing Cleanout

In most cases, plumbing cleanouts are located outside your home, close to the foundation. The cap is usually visible and may be marked with the word “cleanout” or a similar label. It’s important to know the location of your plumbing cleanout to ensure quick and easy access for your plumber when needed.

How to Tell if You Need To Clean Out Your Cleanout

If you’re experiencing slow drains, water backups or unpleasant smells, it’s likely that you have a blockage in your plumbing system. In this case, you should call a professional plumber to assess the situation and determine if a plumbing cleanout is necessary. Additionally, if your home is older and has outdated plumbing systems, it may not have a plumbing cleanout. In this case, it’s essential to have one installed to ensure your plumbing system stays in good working order.

Contact the professional plumbers at Bell Cow Service Company for plumbing maintenance and repair services.