What Is a Ductless HVAC System?

As homeowners, we all know that keeping our homes comfortable is an ongoing challenge. Traditional HVAC systems have been the go-to for decades to provide both heating and cooling for homes, but there’s a newer option that many homeowners are considering: the ductless HVAC system.

But, what is a ductless HVAC system? Let’s talk through some of the biggest advantages of a ductless HVAC system and some considerations to take when making your decision.

Traditional HVAC Systems

Traditional HVAC systems work by circulating hot or cold air through ducts and vents to maintain a comfortable temperature in a home. These systems consist of an indoor unit, an outdoor unit, and a network of ducts that transfer the air between the two.

Common issues with traditional HVAC systems can range from leaking ducts, clogged filters, and inefficient airflow, which can result in higher energy bills as well as a consistent need for HVAC repair. 

Furthermore, traditional systems tend to rely on one main thermostat to regulate temperatures for the entire home, which can sometimes result in certain rooms or areas that feel too hot or too cold.

What is a Ductless HVAC System?

A ductless HVAC system, also commonly known as a Mini Split, doesn’t need ductwork to distribute air throughout your home. Instead, it uses individual air handlers mounted throughout various zones or rooms of your home. These air handlers connect to an outdoor unit that provides both heating and cooling capabilities.

Ductless systems work by absorbing heat from one area and transferring it to another. The evaporator unit cools the air, and the condenser unit releases the heat outside. They are typically more energy-efficient than traditional systems since there’s no need to push air through ductwork, which often results in losses due to poorly insulated or leaking ducts.

Advantages of Ductless HVAC Systems

While ductless HVAC systems are not the traditional route, they are quickly becoming a preferred option for people across the country. Here’s why:

Energy Efficiency:

Energy efficiency means one thing: a lower utility bill. Traditional HVAC systems have issues with air escaping in ducts—leading to higher utility bills. The ductless HVAC system is energy efficient, as it provides heating and cooling without air loss.

Installation Flexibility:

Ductless HVAC systems are designed for easy installation and flexibility. Since they don’t require ductwork, they can be installed in almost any room of your home without causing major disruptions.

Improved Indoor Air Quality:

Ductless HVAC systems provide improved indoor air quality since they don’t circulate air through ducts that could be contaminated with dust, allergens, and other pollutants.

Cost Savings:

Ductless systems can save homeowners money on installation and HVAC repair. Since there’s no need for ductwork or extensive renovations, installation costs are often lower than those for traditional HVAC systems.

Further Things to Consider

When making the decision to go to a ductless HVAC system, there are a few things to consider before jumping in. Look into factors such as how the HVAC system would work with the size of your home, as well as if there are any climate/region-specific considerations.

These questions are best discussed with a professional technician who can help you find the answers you need. 

Bell Cow Services: Your Go-To HVAC Experts

At Bell Cow Services, we know that your home is an important place to feel comfortable—we can get you that comfort at a budget-friendly price. With over 50 years of combined experience, we can ensure the utmost quality in our HVAC work. 

If you aren’t sure what kind of system you want or just need an HVAC repair, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today to get started.